When dinosaurs evolved - the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods of the Mesozoic Era

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Dinosaur Timeline

Scientists believe the earth was formed around 4,600 million years ago. By about 4,000 million years ago, the earth had cooled sufficiently for liquid water to appear, and the first life appeared soon after.

For nearly 3,500 million years, all life was single-celled, but eventually multi-celled life evolved.

During the Paleozoic Era (542 to 248 million years ago), which is itself divided into various periods (Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian), the first fish, and later amphibians, reptiles and mammal-like reptiles, all appeared. There were some disasters during the Paleozoic Era, such as the Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction, and the late Devonian mass extinction, but life continued to evolve and diversify.

At the very end of the Paleozoic Era, there was some terrible disaster (known as the "Permian mass extinction", or the "Permian-Triassic mass extinction") when many creatures became extinct. Some entire groups of animals such as Trilobites and Sea Scorpions were completely wiped out, whereas others, for example, the mammal-like reptiles lost many species.

Next came the Mesozoic Era (248 to 65 million years ago), which is itself divided into three periods: Dinosaurs and other archosaurs (which means "ruling reptiles"), including crocodiles, Champsosaurs and Pterosaurs, first evolved in the Triassic period. These animals remained the dominant land-creatures for the rest of the Mesozoic Era.

Additionally, during the Mesozoic, many other types of reptile (which are not generally believed to be closely related to dinosaurs or other archosaurs) returned to the seas. These include Nothosaurs, Placodonts, Thalattosaurs, Ichthyosaurs, Plesiosaurs and Pliosaurs, as well as Mosasaurs.

During the early part of Mesozoic Era, those mammal-like reptiles who had survived from Paleozoic Era dramatically declined, apparently out-competed by the dinosaurs, however they did give rise to the first mammals, which were mostly tiny mouse-sized creatures.

Birds (such as Archaeopteryx) first appear in the fossil-record during the Jurassic period. It is believed that they evolved from dinosaurs (see family tree).

During the Mesozoic Era, there were various extinctions, the largest of which occurred between the Triassic period, and the Jurassic period (known as the "Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction"). At each of these extinctions various animals (including some types of dinossaurs) became extinct, but others then evolved to take the place, and as a whole, the dinosaurs and other large reptiles continued to thrive.

At the very end of the Mesozoic Era, another great disaster occurred (the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction), where the dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Mosasaurs, Plesiosaurs, Pliosaurs, and many other creatures (such as Ammonites, and Belemnites) were wiped out.

The period since the dinosaurs' extinction is known as the Cenozoic and is divided into 2 periods: the Paleogene period (which is itself divided into the Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene epochs), and the Neogene period (which is itself divided into the Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene and Holocene epochs).

Note: some scientists prefer a classification system where the Neogene period consists of just the Miocene and Pliocene epochs, and the more recent past is term the Quaternary period. Additionally in older classification systems (and therefore in older books), the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene. Miocene and Pliocene epochs are placed together as a single geological period known as the Tertiary period.

Here is a chart that shows when some of the main groups of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals lived:

Note: This diagram is greatly simplified, based in part on speculation, and the depicted dates of branches/evolutionary-splits and extinctions may not always be exactly correct.

During the Mesozoic Era, when dinosaurs ruled the earth, not all dinosaurs lived at the same time. The different times that various types of dinosaurs lived at, is shown in the following chart:

Abrictosaurus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 199 to 196 million years ago
Abrictosaurus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 199 to 196 million years ago
Achelousaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 83 to 74 million years ago
Achelousaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 83 to 74 million years ago
Acrocanthosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 125 to 100 million years ago
Acrocanthosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 125 to 100 million years ago
Adasaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 74 to 65 million years ago
Adasaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 74 to 65 million years ago
Afrovenator was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 136 to 125 million years ago
Afrovenator was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 136 to 125 million years ago
Agujaceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 83 to 70 million years ago
Agujaceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 83 to 70 million years ago
Alamosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Alamosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Albertosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 76 to 74 million years ago
Albertosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 76 to 74 million years ago
Alectrosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 83 to 74 million years ago
Alectrosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 83 to 74 million years ago
Alioramus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 70 million years ago
Alioramus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 70 million years ago
Allosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 154 to 135 million years ago
Allosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 154 to 135 million years ago
Altirhinus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 120 to 100 million years ago
Altirhinus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 120 to 100 million years ago
Alxasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 112 to 100 million years ago
Alxasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 112 to 100 million years ago
Ampelosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 71 to 65 million years ago
Ampelosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 71 to 65 million years ago
Anchiceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 78 to 70 million years ago
Anchiceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 78 to 70 million years ago
Anchiornis was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 160 to 155 million years ago
Anchiornis was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 160 to 155 million years ago
Animantarx was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 106 to 97 million years ago
Animantarx was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 106 to 97 million years ago
Ankylosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 74 to 65 million years ago
Ankylosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 74 to 65 million years ago
Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus) was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 157 to 146 million years ago
Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus) was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 157 to 146 million years ago
Argentinosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 100 million years ago
Argentinosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 100 million years ago
Aucasaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 81 to 74 million years ago
Aucasaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 81 to 74 million years ago
Avaceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 80 to 75 million years ago
Avaceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 80 to 75 million years ago
Avimimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived about 70 million years ago
Avimimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived about 70 million years ago
Bactrosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 70 million years ago
Bactrosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 70 million years ago
Bambiraptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 75 million years ago
Bambiraptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 75 million years ago
Baryonyx was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 125 million years ago
Baryonyx was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 125 million years ago
Brachiosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 156 to 140 million years ago
Brachiosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 156 to 140 million years ago
Buitreraptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 90 million years ago
Buitreraptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 90 million years ago
Camarasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 155 to 145 million years ago
Camarasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 155 to 145 million years ago
Camptosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 155 to 145 million years ago
Camptosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 155 to 145 million years ago
Carcharodontosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 98 to 93 million years ago
Carcharodontosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 98 to 93 million years ago
Carnotaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 70 million years ago
Carnotaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 70 million years ago
Caudipteryx was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived about 125 million years ago
Caudipteryx was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived about 125 million years ago
Centrosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 75 to 70 million years ago
Centrosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 75 to 70 million years ago
Ceratosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 156 to 145 million years ago
Ceratosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 156 to 145 million years ago
Cetiosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 181 to 169 million years ago
Cetiosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 181 to 169 million years ago
Chasmosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 70 million years ago
Chasmosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 70 million years ago
Chirostenotes was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived about 80 million years ago
Chirostenotes was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived about 80 million years ago
Coelophysis was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 225 to 220 million years ago
Coelophysis was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 225 to 220 million years ago
Coelurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 153 to 150 million years ago
Coelurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 153 to 150 million years ago
Compsognathus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 155 to 145 million years ago
Compsognathus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 155 to 145 million years ago
Corythosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 80 to 65 million years ago
Corythosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 80 to 65 million years ago
Cryolophosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 196 to 1960 million years ago
Cryolophosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 196 to 1960 million years ago
Deinonychus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 115 million years ago
Deinonychus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 115 million years ago
Diabloceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 85 million years ago
Diabloceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 85 million years ago
Dilong was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 130 million years ago
Dilong was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 130 million years ago
Dilophosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 200 to 190 million years ago
Dilophosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 200 to 190 million years ago
Diplodocus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 155 to 145 million years ago
Diplodocus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 155 to 145 million years ago
Dromaeosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 76 to 72 million years ago
Dromaeosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 76 to 72 million years ago
Dromiceiomimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 80 to 65 million years ago
Dromiceiomimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 80 to 65 million years ago
Echinodon was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 140 million years ago
Echinodon was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 140 million years ago
Edmontonia was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 74 million years ago
Edmontonia was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 74 million years ago
Edmontosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 73 to 65 million years ago
Edmontosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 73 to 65 million years ago
Eotriceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 68 million years ago
Eotriceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 68 million years ago
Eotyrannus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 125 to 120 million years ago
Eotyrannus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 125 to 120 million years ago
Epidexipteryx was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 168 to 152 million years ago
Epidexipteryx was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 168 to 152 million years ago
Euoplocephalus (Scolosaurus) was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Euoplocephalus (Scolosaurus) was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Gallimimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 75 to 70 million years ago
Gallimimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 75 to 70 million years ago
Gastonia was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 125 million years ago
Gastonia was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 125 million years ago
Giganotosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 93 to 89 million years ago
Giganotosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 93 to 89 million years ago
Gigantspinosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 160 million years ago
Gigantspinosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 160 million years ago
Giraffatitan was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 154 to 142 million years ago
Giraffatitan was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 154 to 142 million years ago
Gorgosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 76 to 68 million years ago
Gorgosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 76 to 68 million years ago
Guanlong was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 160 million years ago
Guanlong was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 160 million years ago
Hadrosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 80 to 75 million years ago
Hadrosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 80 to 75 million years ago
Herrerasaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 228 million years ago
Herrerasaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 228 million years ago
Heterodontosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 205 million years ago
Heterodontosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 205 million years ago
Hypsilophodon was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 125 to 120 million years ago
Hypsilophodon was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 125 to 120 million years ago
Iguanodon was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 135 to 125 million years ago
Iguanodon was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 135 to 125 million years ago
Kentrosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 156 to 150 million years ago
Kentrosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 156 to 150 million years ago
Kritosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 73 million years ago
Kritosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 73 million years ago
Lambeosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 83 to 65 million years ago
Lambeosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 83 to 65 million years ago
Lesothosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 199 to 189 million years ago
Lesothosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 199 to 189 million years ago
Magyarosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 71 to 65 million years ago
Magyarosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 71 to 65 million years ago
Majungasaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Majungasaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Maiasaura was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 80 to 65 million years ago
Maiasaura was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 80 to 65 million years ago
Mamenchisaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 156 to 145 million years ago
Mamenchisaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 156 to 145 million years ago
Massospondylus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 208 to 204 million years ago
Massospondylus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 208 to 204 million years ago
Megalosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 181 to 169 million years ago
Megalosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 181 to 169 million years ago
Melanorosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 227 to 221 million years ago
Melanorosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 227 to 221 million years ago
Microraptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 120 million years ago
Microraptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 120 million years ago
Minmi was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 119 to 113 million years ago
Minmi was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 119 to 113 million years ago
Monoclonius was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 73 million years ago
Monoclonius was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 73 million years ago
Mussaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 215 million years ago
Mussaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 215 million years ago
Muttaburrasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 100 to 98 million years ago
Muttaburrasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 100 to 98 million years ago
Nanyangosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 112 to 100 million years ago
Nanyangosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 112 to 100 million years ago
Nemegtosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 72 to 68 million years ago
Nemegtosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 72 to 68 million years ago
Nigersaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 119 to 99 million years ago
Nigersaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 119 to 99 million years ago
Nipponosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 89 to 84 million years ago
Nipponosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 89 to 84 million years ago
Nodosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 110 to 100 million years ago
Nodosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 110 to 100 million years ago
Nomingia was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Nomingia was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Ornithomimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 76 to 65 million years ago
Ornithomimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 76 to 65 million years ago
Oviraptor was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived about 75 million years ago
Oviraptor was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived about 75 million years ago
Ouranosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 115 to 100 million years ago
Ouranosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 115 to 100 million years ago
Pachycephalosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 65 million years ago
Pachycephalosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 65 million years ago
Pachyrhinosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 72 to 68 million years ago
Pachyrhinosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 72 to 68 million years ago
Panoplosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 71 million years ago
Panoplosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 71 million years ago
Paralititan was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 99 to 94 million years ago
Paralititan was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 99 to 94 million years ago
Parasaurolophus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 74 million years ago
Parasaurolophus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 74 million years ago
Pelecanimimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 135 to 125 million years ago
Pelecanimimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 135 to 125 million years ago
Pentaceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 75 to 73 million years ago
Pentaceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 75 to 73 million years ago
Pinacosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 80 to 75 million years ago
Pinacosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 80 to 75 million years ago
Pisanosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 228 to 216 million years ago
Pisanosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 228 to 216 million years ago
Plateosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 222 to 218 million years ago
Plateosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 222 to 218 million years ago
Prenocephale was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 83 to 65 million years ago
Prenocephale was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 83 to 65 million years ago
Protarchaeopteryx was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived about 125 million years ago
Protarchaeopteryx was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived about 125 million years ago
Protoceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 85 to 80 million years ago
Protoceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 85 to 80 million years ago
Psittacosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 120 to 100 million years ago
Psittacosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 120 to 100 million years ago
Rajasaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Rajasaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Riojasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 225 to 219 million years ago
Riojasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 225 to 219 million years ago
Rugops was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 95 million years ago
Rugops was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 95 million years ago
Saichania was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 80 million years ago
Saichania was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 80 million years ago
Saltasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 75 to 65 million years ago
Saltasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 75 to 65 million years ago
Saltopus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 225 to 222 million years ago
Saltopus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 225 to 222 million years ago
Saurolophus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 74 to 70 million years ago
Saurolophus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 74 to 70 million years ago
Scipionyx was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 113 million years ago
Scipionyx was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 113 million years ago
Scutellosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 200 to 196 million years ago
Scutellosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 200 to 196 million years ago
Seismosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 155 to 145 million years ago
Seismosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 155 to 145 million years ago
Sinornithoides was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 120 to 100 million years ago
Sinornithoides was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 120 to 100 million years ago
Sinosauropteryx was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 125 to 122 million years ago
Sinosauropteryx was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 125 to 122 million years ago
Sinovenator was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 130 to 125 million years ago
Sinovenator was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 130 to 125 million years ago
Spinosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 95 to 70 million years ago
Spinosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 95 to 70 million years ago
Staurikosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 225 million years ago
Staurikosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 225 million years ago
Stegoceras was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 83 to 65 million years ago
Stegoceras was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 83 to 65 million years ago
Stegosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 155 to 144 million years ago
Stegosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 155 to 144 million years ago
Struthiomimus was a dinosaur that lived from 76 to 74 million years ago
Struthiomimus was a dinosaur that lived from 76 to 74 million years ago
Styracosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 70 million years ago
Styracosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 76 to 70 million years ago
Suchomimus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 120 to 110 million years ago
Suchomimus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 120 to 110 million years ago
Supersaurus (Ultrasauros) was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 154 to 142 million years ago
Supersaurus (Ultrasauros) was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 154 to 142 million years ago
Talarurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 98 to 88 million years ago
Talarurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 98 to 88 million years ago
Tarbosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 68 to 65 million years ago
Tarbosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 68 to 65 million years ago
Tarchia was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 70 million years ago
Tarchia was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 70 million years ago
Torosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Torosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 70 to 65 million years ago
Torvosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 144 million years ago
Torvosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived about 144 million years ago
Trachodon was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 77 to 73 million years ago
Trachodon was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 77 to 73 million years ago
Triceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 72 to 65 million years ago
Triceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 72 to 65 million years ago
Troodon was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 74 to 65 million years ago
Troodon was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 74 to 65 million years ago
Tuojiangosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 155 million years ago
Tuojiangosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 155 million years ago
Tyrannosaurus rex was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 67 to 65 million years ago
Tyrannosaurus rex 
Tyrannosaurus rex was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 67 to 65 million years ago
Ultrasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 110 to 100 million years ago
Ultrasaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 110 to 100 million years ago
Unaysaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 225 million years ago
Unaysaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 225 million years ago
Utahraptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 132 to 119 million years ago
Utahraptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 132 to 119 million years ago
Velociraptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 84 to 80 million years ago
Velociraptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 84 to 80 million years ago
Xiongguanlong was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 125 to 100 million years ago
Xiongguanlong was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 125 to 100 million years ago
Yangchuanosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 166 to 140 million years ago
Yangchuanosaurus was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived from 166 to 140 million years ago
Zalmoxes was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 69 million years ago
Zalmoxes was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 69 million years ago
Zuniceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 93 to 89 million years ago
Zuniceratops was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived from 93 to 89 million years ago

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Books about the Mesozoic Era

Here are some books from Amazon.com:

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The Age of Reptiles: The History and Legacy of the Mesozoic Era and the Dinosaurs
By Charles River Editors

Independently Published
Released: May 4th, 2020
Paperback (122 pages)

The Age of Reptiles: The History and Legacy of the Mesozoic Era and the Dinosaurs
Lowest New Price: $14.26*
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The Age of Reptiles: The History and Legacy of the Mesozoic Era and the Dinosaurs
  • Manufacturer: Independently published
  • Brand: Independently Published
  • EAN: 9798643324096
  • Paperback
  • Number of Pages: 122
  • Author: Charles River Editors
  • Publication Date: May 4th, 2020
  • Release Date: May 4th, 2020
Physical Description:
  • Size: 11.0 inches by 8.5 inches by 0.28 inches
  • Weight: 0.67 Pounds
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The Amazing World of Dinosaurs: An Illustrated Journey Through the Mesozoic Era
By James Kuether

Adventure Publications
Released: September 20th, 2016
Paperback (176 pages)

The Amazing World of Dinosaurs: An Illustrated Journey Through the Mesozoic Era
List Price: $18.95*
Lowest New Price: $16.90*
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The Amazing World of Dinosaurs: An Illustrated Journey Through the Mesozoic Era
  • Manufacturer: Adventure Publications
  • Brand: Adventure Publications
  • ISBN: 1591936454
  • EAN: 9781591936459
  • Paperback
  • Format: Illustrated
  • Edition: Illustrated
  • Number of Pages: 176
  • Author: James Kuether
  • Publication Date: September 20th, 2016
  • Release Date: September 20th, 2016
Physical Description:
  • Size: 8.0 Inches by 10.0 Inches by 0.5 Inches
  • Weight: 1.54103121138 pounds
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The Mesozoic Era: Age of Dinosaurs (The Geologic History of Earth)
Rosen Education Service
Released: August 30th, 2010
Library Binding (285 pages)

The Mesozoic Era: Age of Dinosaurs (The Geologic History of Earth)
Lowest New Price: $48.59*
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*(As of 07:06 Pacific 14 Feb 2025 More Info)

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The Mesozoic Era: Age of Dinosaurs (The Geologic History of Earth)
  • Manufacturer: Britannica Educational Pub
  • Brand: Rosen Education Service
  • ISBNs: 9781615301034, 1615301038
  • EAN: 9781615301034
  • Product Category: Library Binding
  • Number of Pages: 285
  • Publication Date: August 30th, 2010
  • Release Date: August 30th, 2010
Physical Description:
  • Size: 9.0 Inches by 6.25 Inches by 1.0 Inches
  • Weight: 1.3 pounds
  • Used Book in Good Condition
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Dinosaur Empire! (Earth Before Us #1): Journey through the Mesozoic Era
By Abby Howard

Amulet Books
Released: August 1st, 2017
Hardcover (128 pages)

Dinosaur Empire! (Earth Before Us #1): Journey through the Mesozoic Era
Lowest New Price: $15.99*
In Stock*
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Dinosaur Empire! (Earth Before Us #1): Journey through the Mesozoic Era
  • Manufacturer: Abrams Fanfare
  • Brand: Amulet Books
  • ISBNs: 1419723065, 9781419723063
  • EAN: 9781419723063
  • PartNumber: 9781419723063
  • Hardcover
  • Format: Illustrated
  • Edition: Illustrated
  • Number of Pages: 128
  • Author: Abby Howard
  • Publication Date: August 1st, 2017
  • Release Date: August 1st, 2017
Physical Description:
  • Size: 9.5 Inches by 6.5 Inches by 0.75 Inches
  • Weight: 1.00089866948 pounds
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Dinosaurs of Australia and New Zealand and Other Animals of the Mesozoic Era
By John A. Long

Harvard University Press
Released: October 15th, 1998
Hardcover (192 pages)

Dinosaurs of Australia and New Zealand and Other Animals of the Mesozoic Era
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Dinosaurs of Australia and New Zealand and Other Animals of the Mesozoic Era
  • Manufacturer: Harvard University Press
  • Brand: Harvard University Press
  • ISBN: 067420767X
  • EAN: 9780674207677
  • Hardcover
  • Edition: First Edition
  • Number of Pages: 192
  • Author: John A. Long
  • Publication Date: October 15th, 1998
  • Release Date: October 15th, 1998
Physical Description:
  • Size: 11.25 inches by 8.59 inches by 0.79 inches
  • Weight: 2.21 Pounds
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Everything You Need to Know about the Mesozoic Eras Eras on Earth Science Book for 3rd Grade Children's Earth Sciences Books
By Baby Professor

Baby Professor
Paperback (72 pages)

Everything You Need to Know about the Mesozoic Eras Eras on Earth Science Book for 3rd Grade Children s Earth Sciences Books
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Everything You Need to Know about the Mesozoic Eras Eras on Earth Science Book for 3rd Grade Children's Earth Sciences Books
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  • Brand: Baby Professor
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  • EAN: 9781541949256
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  • Author: Baby Professor
Physical Description:
  • Size: 0.14960629906 Inches by 8.5039369992 Inches by 8.5039369992 Inches
  • Weight: 0.330693393 pounds
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Dinosaur World: Over 1,200 Amazing Dinosaurs, Famous Fossils, and the Latest Discoveries from the Prehistoric Era (Explore The Mesozoic Era with Over 1,200 Dinosaur Species)
By Evan Johnson-Ransom

Applesauce Press
Released: February 21st, 2023
Hardcover (704 pages)

Dinosaur World: Over 1,200 Amazing Dinosaurs, Famous Fossils, and the Latest Discoveries from the Prehistoric Era (Explore The Mesozoic Era with Over 1,200 Dinosaur Species)
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Dinosaur World: Over 1,200 Amazing Dinosaurs, Famous Fossils, and the Latest Discoveries from the Prehistoric Era (Explore The Mesozoic Era with Over 1,200 Dinosaur Species)
  • Manufacturer: Applesauce Press
  • Brand: Applesauce Press
  • ISBN: 1646433165
  • EAN: 9781646433162
  • Hardcover
  • Number of Pages: 704
  • Author: Evan Johnson-Ransom
  • Publication Date: February 21st, 2023
  • Release Date: February 21st, 2023
Physical Description:
  • Size: 11.24 inches by 10.7 inches by 1.79 inches
  • Weight: 6.79905616008 Pounds
  • Profiles on hundreds of dinosaur species covering anatomy diet habitat cool features and unique characteristics|A stunning gatefold and a large poster|Features on well-known paleontologists and their awesome finds|Other key finds and specimens in museums around the world
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Mesozoic Fossils II: The Cretaceous Period
By Bruce L. Stinchcomb

Schiffer Publishing
Released: May 12th, 2009
Paperback (176 pages)

Mesozoic Fossils II: The Cretaceous Period
List Price: $29.99*
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Mesozoic Fossils II: The Cretaceous Period
  • Manufacturer: Schiffer
  • Brand: Schiffer Publishing
  • ISBN: 0764332597
  • UPC: 884811066673
  • EAN: 9780764332593
  • PartNumber: 9780764332593
  • Paperback
  • Format: Illustrated
  • Edition: 1
  • Number of Pages: 176
  • Author: Bruce L. Stinchcomb
  • Publication Date: May 12th, 2009
  • Release Date: May 12th, 2009
Physical Description:
  • Size: 10.9 Inches by 8.4 Inches by 0.6 Inches
  • Weight: 1.9510910187 pounds
  • Used Book in Good Condition
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Puzzled Dinosaurs & Mesozoic Era Creatures: Puzzles, games, crafts, coloring & smart facts for curious kids (Puzzled Stuff)
By Deb Perry

Independently published
Released: April 5th, 2024
Paperback (92 pages)

Puzzled Dinosaurs & Mesozoic Era Creatures: Puzzles, games, crafts, coloring & smart facts for curious kids (Puzzled Stuff)
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Puzzled Dinosaurs & Mesozoic Era Creatures: Puzzles, games, crafts, coloring & smart facts for curious kids (Puzzled Stuff)
  • Manufacturer: Independently published
  • EAN: 9798320719733
  • Paperback
  • Number of Pages: 92
  • Author: Deb Perry
  • Publication Date: April 5th, 2024
  • Release Date: April 5th, 2024
Physical Description:
  • Size: 11.0 Inches by 8.5 Inches by 0.21 Inches
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Dinosaurs: The Mesozoic Era
By Ruth Noble

Independently published
Released: May 1st, 2024
Paperback (63 pages)

Dinosaurs: The Mesozoic Era
Lowest New Price: $12.08*
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Dinosaurs: The Mesozoic Era
  • Manufacturer: Independently published
  • EAN: 9798324319069
  • Paperback
  • Format: Large Print
  • Number of Pages: 63
  • Author: Ruth Noble
  • Publication Date: May 1st, 2024
  • Release Date: May 1st, 2024
Physical Description:
  • Size: 7.75 Inches by 7.75 Inches by 0.15 Inches
  • Weight: 0.35 pounds
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