Dromiceiomimus was about 12 feet (3.5 meters) long, and is believed to have weighed around 220 to 330 pounds (100 to 150 kilograms). It is thought to have been a fast-runner like its close relative, Struthiomimus. It also seems to have good vision, and may well have been nocturnal. As with Struthiomimus, there has been some debate about what Dromiceiomimus would have eaten. Dromiceiomimus is often considered to have been an omnivore. It is diet may have consisted of small lizards and mammals, eggs, insects, and fruit. It has been suggested (most noteably by the paleontologist Dale A. Russell) that Dromiceiomimus may have been entirely carnivorous, but the animal does seem to have some features would have suited a party herbivorous lifestyle. Dromiceiomimus Timeline:Dromiceiomimus was an omnivore (ate meat and plants) that lived from 80 to 65 million years ago Related Information & ResourcesSee Also
Dromiceiomimus Facts
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